pi币 派币 KYC 和主网迁移宽限期:迈向开放网络的战略步骤

  • 发布时间:2024/09/29/00:34 来源:陆壹捌捌玖
  • pi币 派币 颁布 KYC 和主网迁移宽限期:迈向开放网络的战略步骤 公告

    KYC认证申请的宽限期截止日期正式延长至 2024 年 11 月 30 日。这一消息无疑给了仍在KYC认证过程中徘徊的先锋们一颗“定心丸”,为大家争取了更多宝贵的时间来完成这个重要的步骤。然而,大家需要明白的是,尽管KYC认证申请的宽限期有所延长,主网迁移的最终截止时间仍然定在了 2024 年 12 月 31 日不变








    颁布 KYC 和主网迁移宽限期:迈向开放网络的战略步骤 共享:82380

    主页 » 博客 » 颁布 KYC 和主网迁移宽限期:迈向开放网络的战略步骤

    Pi2Day 2024 公告中所述,6 个月的 KYC 宽限期及其滚动 6 个月窗口(“宽限期”)已于 2024 7 1 日颁布!正如 2021 年白皮书中定义和阐明的那样,宽限期对于为 Open Network 准备 Pi 是必要的。在此期间,Pioneers 必须在前 3 个月内提交初始 KYC 身份验证申请,并在 6 个月内采取一切可用行动完成 KYC 和主网迁移。

    为了使这些重要的截止日期更加明确,在不久的将来,我们将推出新的应用程序界面,包括最初在主网检查表上设置倒数计时器,然后在主屏幕上设置新横幅、弹出窗口等。这些界面更新将有助于通知和提醒 Pioneers 他们各自的截止日期,是提交 KYC 还是完成主网迁移,并敦促他们尽快采取行动。这些宽限期界面功能将随着时间的推移而迭代和改进,例如,针对卡住的情况优化计时器的暂停并提供紧急级别。对于已完成主网检查表并完全迁移的先驱者,他们将不会在他们的应用程序中看到计时器,因为宽限期要求和截止日期不再适用于他们。


    要在 2024 年实现 Open Network,现在是制定宽限期和滚动窗口的时候了。KYC 和迁移过程已经适用于网络的大部分。这意味着大多数 Pioneer 应该能够在 6 个月的宽限期内自行完成 KYC 和迁移。此外,我们在 6 个月的计时器设计中加入了灵活性,以适应那些由于特定系统块或问题而在此过程中卡住的 Pioneers。此外,在网络层面,宽限期的颁布将积极促进我们在实现 Open Network KYC 和迁移目标方面的集体进展。


    总体而言,宽限期旨在为Pioneers 提供足够的时间来通过 KYC和迁移,同时为人们通过KYC 并迁移到 OpenNetwork 创造足够的激励和紧迫感。这项政策的颁布将有助于加快我们向开放网络及其所需先决条件迈进的步伐,并帮助 Pioneers 获得更多的推荐和安全圈奖金,因为他们的推荐团队和安全圈的更多成员获得了 KYC 和迁移。它还将防止未经验证的Pi 6 个月的滚动 KYC 期之后迁移到主网,并避免给开放网络和网络规划带来太多对网络和所有先驱不利的不确定性。相反,这样的 Pi 将来将由其他 KYC Pioneers 释放出来供挖矿。




    宽限期为 6 个月,在此期间,Pioneers 必须采取行动完成 KYC 并迁移到 Open Network。他们必须这样做才能保留他们开采的所有 Pi。如果 Pioneers 未能在前 3 个月内提交初始 KYC 申请,或未能在从 2024 7 1 日开始的 6 个月内完成迁移 Pi 的所有必要步骤(暂停倒数计时器的特定系统块除外),他们将没收大部分过去的Pi 余额,但在其 Pi 迁移前的最后 6 个月内开采的 Pi 除外——这是 6 个月的滚动窗口。由于特定系统原因而陷入 KYC 或主网迁移的困境将不计入 Pioneer 6 个月。


    具体来说,为避免损失大部分开采的 PiPioneers 应确保他们在各自的截止日期内完成两个行动步骤:


    在宽限期的前 3 个月内提交他们的初始 KYC 申请,这意味着截止日期为 2024 9 30 日,并且


    6 个月内完成主网检查表以迁移到主网,这意味着截止日期为 2024 12 31 日。


    尚未迁移到主网的每个人都将拥有一个单独的宽限期计时器。只要此过程正在等待用户操作,此计时器就会继续倒计时,如果个人在以下特定步骤中被系统阻止,则计时器将暂停:没有资格申请 KYC,在 KYC 流程中卡住超过一个月,具有暂定的 KYC 状态, 以及系统因主网迁移而延迟。


    每当 Pioneer 需要采取的流程中有待处理的行动时——无论是重新提交、活体检查、信息更正、任何清单项目等——倒数计时器就会恢复。假设 Pioneer 从暂停状态恢复时,计时器上还剩 X 个月,则 Pioneer 将有 X 1 个月的时间(以较长者为准)来完成 KYC 和迁移的剩余步骤。


    在各自的截止日期内完成上述两个步骤的先驱者将保护并保持他们开采的 Pi 余额。错过宽限期截止日期的先驱者将只保留他们在 Pi 首次迁移之前的最后 6 个月内开采的 Pi。他们的 Pi 之前被开采并可以保留的 6 个月滚动窗口是指他们第一次迁移到主网之前的最后 6 个月。

    注意:对于以前从未提交过KYC 申请的先驱者,他们的第一个截止日期是 3 个月(不是 6 个月),在此之前,他们必须在获得资格后提交 KYC 申请。这样做的目的是留出足够的时间来完成其余步骤,以便在 6 个月内处理他们的 KYC 并迁移他们的 Pi。适用 Pioneer 的初始 3 个月截止日期也将在其计时器和界面功能中可见。


    各种 Pioneer 场景的宽限期示例


    以下是一些场景,可帮助根据Pioneer 的具体情况证明这些截止日期和要求:


    目前符合 KYC 条件的 Pioneer 的宽限期从 2024 7 1 日开始。他们需要在 2024 9 30 日之前提交他们的第一个 KYC 申请,并且需要在 2024 12 31 日之前迁移到主网。


    对于没有资格提交 KYC 申请的 Pioneers,他们的计时器将暂停,并在他们符合资格后恢复。


    对于目前处于暂定 KYC 状态的 Pioneers,他们的 6 个月计时器将暂停,并将在阻止解决后恢复。


    对于 KYC 申请卡在 KYC 流程中超过 1 个月的 Pioneers,他们的 6 个月计时器也会暂停,并在阻止解决后恢复。但是,此类暂停将在未来进一步优化。计时器只会因系统原因而延迟暂停。如果有待处理的 KYC 用户操作,例如重新提交或其他活动检查,计时器将不会暂停。先驱者应在计时器倒计时期间尽快采取此类必要的行动。


    对于新的 Pioneer,宽限期将暂停,直到他们完成三十 30 次挖矿会话(“最短挖矿期”)并有资格申请 KYC。然后,宽限期的两个截止日期随后相应跟进。这也适用于 2024 年底之后加入的新Pioneer


    如果 Pioneer 在截止日期前不到 1 个月在 KYC 流程中采取了待处理的用户操作,则计时器将自动加满最多 1 个月,以便有时间处理和完成 KYC 和主网迁移的后续步骤。




    鉴于这些截止日期的重要性,我们强烈建议 Pioneers 尽快开始他们的 KYC 和迁移流程!如果您是尚未下载Pi 浏览器的 Pioneer,请立即下载(通过 iOS App Store Google Play Store)并导航到 Pi 浏览器中的 KYC 应用程序以完成您的应用程序。您的迁移步骤位于 Pi mining 应用程序的“Mainnet”选项卡内的 Mainnet Checklist 中,它们还要求您在 Pi 浏览器中执行操作。




    宽限期不会影响新会员像往常一样加入网络或免费挖矿,但需要新 Pioneers 在加入后按照相同的规则在宽限期内完成 KYC 和迁移。这不仅不会影响网络的增长,而且还会确保和提高网络的质量,并确保更多加入的人是真实的人,经过 KYC 认证并在主网上,完全准备好参与并为 Pi 主网生态系统做出贡献。




    随着我们接近开放网络的推出,KYC和主网迁移宽限期是让我们的社区为无缝过渡做好准备的关键措施。这段时间不仅确保了先驱者的准备情况,而且通过与我们的白皮书中提出的核心原则保持一致,维护了 Pi 的完整性。

    接下来的几个月至关重要;它们不仅仅是一个倒计时,而是对所有 Pioneers 的行动呼吁,以巩固他们在 Pi 未来的角色。让我们抓住这个机会来加强我们的社区,并确保每个Pioneer 都能充分参与 MainnetPi 生态系统。


    要了解有关 PiNetwork 原生 KYC 解决方案的更多信息,请阅读完整文章和常见问题解答,解释它是什么、为什么它很重要以及它是如何工作的。KYC Pi Open Network 启动做准备的重要组成部分。通过自己成为 KYC 验证者并邀请您的先驱同行完成 KYC 并迁移到主网,帮助 KYC 为更多的 Pioneer 前进。

    附:pi币派币 颁布 KYC 和主网迁移宽限期:迈向开放网络的战略步骤 公告 原文


    Enacting the KYC and Mainnet MigrationGrace Period: A Strategic Step Towards Open Network Share


    Home » Blog » Enacting the KYC and MainnetMigration Grace Period: A Strategic Step Towards Open Network

    As stated in the Pi2Day 2024 announcement,the 6 month KYC Grace Period and its rolling 6-month window (the “GracePeriod”) was enacted as of July 1st, 2024! As defined and clarified in the 2021Whitepaper, the Grace Period is necessary for preparing Pi for Open Network.During this period, Pioneers must submit their initial KYC identityverification application within the first 3 months and take all availableactions to complete their KYC and Mainnet migration within 6 months.


    To make these important deadlines salientand clear, in the near future we will be rolling out new app interfacesincluding initially a countdown timer on the Mainnet Checklist and later a newbanner on the home screen, pop ups, etc. These interface updates will helpinform and remind Pioneers of their respective deadlines, whether to submit KYCor to complete Mainnet migration, and urge them to take actions as soon aspossible. These Grace Period interface features will be iterated and improvedupon over time, e.g. refining pauses on timer for stuck cases and providingurgency levels. For Pioneers who have completed the Mainnet Checklist and arefully migrated, they will not see the timer in their app, because the GracePeriod requirements and deadlines no longer apply to them.


    To reach Open Network in 2024, this is thetime to enact the Grace Period and the rolling window. The KYC and migrationprocess already work for the majority of the network. This means most Pioneersshould be able to complete the KYC and migration on their own well within the6-month Grace Period. Additionally, we have included flexibility in the 6-monthtimer design to accommodate those Pioneers that are stuck during the processdue to specific system blocks or issues. Moreover, on the network level, theenactment of the Grace Period will positively improve our collective progressin achieving KYC and migration goals for Open Network.


    Overall, the Grace Period is intended tostrike a balance between providing Pioneers adequate time to pass KYC andmigrate, while creating enough incentive and urgency for people to pass KYC andmigrate to Open Network. The enactment of this policy will serve to accelerateour progress toward Open Network and its required pre-conditions, as well ashelp Pioneers get more of their Referral and Security Circle bonusestransferable to Mainnet, as a result of more members of their Referral Team andSecurity Circle getting KYC’ed and migrated. It will also prevent unverified Pibeyond the rolling 6-month KYC period from migrating to the Mainnet, and avoidcreating too much uncertainty for the Open Network and network planning that isunfavorable to the network and all Pioneers. Instead, such Pi will get freed upfor mining by other KYC’ed Pioneers in the future.


    What happens in the Grace Period?


    The Grace Period is a 6-month period,during which Pioneers must take actions to complete KYC and migrate to Open Network.They must do this in order to keep all of their Pi that they mined. If Pioneersfail to submit their initial KYC application within the first 3 months, or failto finish all necessary steps to migrate their Pi within 6 months starting July1st, 2024 (except for specific system blocks that pauses their countdowntimer), they will forfeit most of their past Pi balance other than the Pi minedwithin the last 6 months before their Pi is migrated—this is the 6-monthrolling window. Being stuck in KYC or Mainnet migrations due to specific systemreasons will not count against a Pioneer’s 6 months.


    Specifically, to avoid losing most of Pimined, Pioneers should make sure they complete the two action steps withintheir respective deadlines:


    Submit their initial KYC application withinthe first 3 months of the Grace Period, which means the deadline will beSeptember 30, 2024, and


    Complete the Mainnet Checklist to migrateto the Mainnet within 6 months, which means the deadline will be December 31,2024.


    Everyone who hasn’t migrated to the Mainnetyet will have an individual Grace Period timer. This timer will continue tocount down as long as this process is pending a user action, and will pause inthe event that an individual is blocked by the system in these followingspecific steps: being ineligible to apply to KYC, being stuck in the KYCprocess more than one month, having a tentative KYC status, and delays by thesystem from Mainnet migration.


    Whenever there is a pending action in theprocess for the Pioneer to take—be it resubmission, liveness check, correctionof information, any Checklist items, etc.—the countdown timer will resume.Assuming that the Pioneer has X remaining months on the timer when it resumesfrom a pause, the Pioneer will have X or 1 month time, whichever is longer, tocomplete the remaining steps of KYC and migration.


    Pioneers who completed the above two stepswithin their respective deadlines will secure and keep the Pi balance theymined. Pioneers who miss either of the Grace Period deadlines will only keepthe Pi they mined in the last 6 months before their Pi is migrated for thefirst time. The 6-month rolling window during which their Pi was previouslymined and can be kept refers to the last 6 months before their first migrationto the Mainnet.


    Note: For Pioneers who have never submitteda KYC application before, their first deadline is 3 months (NOT 6 months)before which they have to submit the KYC application after becoming eligible.The purpose of this is to leave enough time to complete the rest of the stepsto get their KYC processed and their Pi migrated within 6 months. The initial3-month deadline for the applicable Pioneers will also be visible in theirtimer and interface features.


    Grace Period examples for various Pioneerscenarios


    Below are some scenarios to helpdemonstrate these deadlines and requirements based on specific Pioneers’circumstances:


    The Grace Period for a Pioneer, that iscurrently eligible for KYC, begins on July 1, 2024. They need to submit theirfirst KYC application by September 30, 2024 and will need to migrate to Mainnetbefore December 31, 2024.


    For Pioneers who are not eligible to submittheir KYC application, their timer is paused and will resume once they becomeeligible.


    For Pioneers who currently have a TentativeKYC status, their 6-month timer is paused and will resume once the block isresolved.


    For Pioneers whose KYC applications arestuck in the KYC process for more than 1 month, their 6-month timer is alsopaused and will resume once the block is resolved. However, such pauses will befurther refined in the future. The timer will only be paused for delays bysystem reasons. If there is a KYC user-action pending, e.g. resubmission oradditional liveness checks, the timer will not be paused. Pioneers should takesuch required actions as soon as possible within the timer countdown.


    For new Pioneers, the Grace Period will bepaused until they complete thirty (30) mining sessions (“Minimum MiningPeriod”) and become eligible to apply for KYC. Then, the two deadlines of theGrace Period follow accordingly afterwards. This also applies to new Pioneerswho join after the end of 2024.


    If a Pioneer takes the pending user-actionin the KYC process less than 1 month before the deadline, the timer willautomatically top up to 1 month, to allow time for processing and finishing thenext steps in KYC and Mainnet migration.


    There may be additional exceptions orpauses on the timer in the future if new major system delays emerge. We willconsider them and decide as we encounter them.


    Given the importance of these deadlines, westrongly encourage Pioneers to start their KYC and migration process as soon aspossible! If you’re a Pioneer who hasn’t already downloaded the Pi Browser, doso now (via iOS App Store or Google Play Store) and navigate to the KYC appinside the Pi Browser to complete your application. Your migration steps arelocated in the Mainnet Checklist within the “Mainnet” tab of the Pi mining app,and they will also require you to take actions within the Pi Browser.


    What does this mean for network growth?


    The Grace Period will not affect newmembers to join the network or mine for free as usual, but it will require newPioneers to complete KYC and migrate within the Grace Period following the samerules after they join. Not only will this not impact the growth of the network,but also it will ensure and improve the quality of the network, and make suremore people joining are real humans, KYC’ed and on the Mainnet, fully ready toparticipate in and contribute to the Pi Mainnet ecosystem.


    The Path Forward


    As we approach the launch of Open Network,the KYC and Mainnet migration Grace Period is a pivotal measure to prepare ourcommunity for a seamless transition. This period not only ensures readinessamong Pioneers, but also upholds the integrity of Pi by aligning with the coreprinciples set forth in our Whitepaper.


    The coming months are crucial; they are notjust a countdown but a call to action for all Pioneers to solidify their rolesin Pi’s future. Let’s embrace this opportunity to strengthen our community andensure that each Pioneer can participate fully in the Mainnet Pi ecosystem.


    To learn more about Pi Network’s native KYCsolution, read the full article and FAQs explaining what it is, why it’simportant and how it works. KYC is an essential component of Pi’s preparednessfor an Open Network launch. Help KYC move forward for more Pioneers by becominga KYC Validator yourself and inviting your fellow Pioneer peers to complete KYCand migrate to Mainnet.


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